Substrate: The Building Blocks of Polkadot’s Blockspace Ecosystem

Jimmy Tudeski
18 min readOct 23, 2023


Greetings, Polkadot Philosophers and Blockchain Enthusiasts!

Welcome back to another captivating episode of our EduSeries!

If you’ve journeyed with us thus far, you’ve gained intricate insights into Polkadot’s Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS) mechanism, exploring its philosophical underpinnings, technological innovations, and economic implications. New to our series or need a refresher? Dive into our prior articles:

Today, let’s unpeel another intricate layer of the Polkadot ecosystem — Substrate. More than the architectural cornerstone of Polkadot, Substrate is an ecosystem in its own right, driving flexibility, scalability, and interconnectedness, setting Polkadot leagues apart. Our journey will leave you both technologically enlightened and philosophically invigorated about Polkadot’s mission to create a decentralized and interoperable digital future.

What Exactly is Substrate?

In essence, Substrate is a blockchain architect’s playground.

Conceived by Parity Technologies, Substrate encapsulates hard-won insights from years of blockchain development endeavors, Ethereum included. It doesn’t just offer a smattering of features; it provides a comprehensive foundation with a networking layer, consensus algorithms, and smart contract capabilities.

What elevates Substrate is its modular framework, enabling developers to cherry-pick elements that align precisely with their project’s requirements. Picture Substrate as a ‘Lego set for blockchain development,’ where each block is designed for plug-and-play functionality, fostering creative freedom.

Breaking Down Substrate’s Key Components

  • Runtime: The Runtime is the DNA of your blockchain. It dictates the blockchain’s operational rules and can be dynamically updated, facilitating non-disruptive upgrades without necessitating hard forks.
  • Pallets: Consider these your blockchain’s building blocks, akin to libraries or modules that provide specific features. These pallets are composable, letting developers mix and match functionalities to curate a distinct blockchain experience.
  • Consensus Engine: More than just a validator, the Consensus Engine oversees block authentication and ensures a seamless consensus process. Substrate comes pre-equipped with sophisticated algorithms like BABE and GRANDPA but also offers the flexibility for custom integrations.
  • Libp2p Network: This isn’t just a communication layer; it’s the nexus for interconnectedness in the Substrate universe, fortifying the framework’s commitment to seamless interoperability.
  • Wasm Interpreter: WebAssembly (Wasm) isn’t merely an inclusion; it’s a revolution for Substrate. Wasm ensures cross-platform harmony, enabling many devices to be active network participants without hiccups.

By the close of this episode, you’ll walk away not merely understanding Substrate as a technological entity but appreciating its harmonious integration into Polkadot’s grander vision for a decentralized, interoperable world. So let’s dive in, shall we?

Unpacking Substrate: The Essential Building Blocks

At the core of every Substrate-based blockchain lies the Executive Module.

This module isn’t just a collection of routines; it’s the operational heart of your blockchain. The Executive Module oversees transaction execution and the enforcement of consensus rules, orchestrating the interaction between various other modules, or ‘pallets,’ within the system. In a musical metaphor, it serves as the conductor of a finely-tuned orchestra, ensuring each instrument (module) plays its part in creating a harmonious symphony (the blockchain).

  • Storage: The Customizable Filing System
    Storage in Substrate isn’t a one-size-fits-all affair. The framework offers a highly adaptable storage mechanism characterized by customizable key-value maps optimized for performance. Adopting a Trie-based storage model — similar to Ethereum — Substrate ensures efficient state proofs and seamless light-client functionalities.
  • Off-chain Workers: The Silent Efficiency Experts
    One of the most innovative features in the Substrate toolbox is the Off-chain Workers. These components enable computations to be performed off-chain yet securely and verifiably connected back to the on-chain ecosystem. Off-chain workers can source external data, execute intensive computations, and then submit these results to the blockchain. This keeps the on-chain environment nimble and efficient.
  • The Event System: The Informant and the Trigger
    Substrate’s event system isn’t just a notifier; it’s a dynamic inter-module communication hub. This system serves dual purposes: to inform external actors (like UIs or other services) about pivotal activities and to act as a conditional ‘hook’ enabling other modules to execute actions when specific conditions are met.
  • FRAME: The Ready-Made Blockchain Toolbox
    FRAME — short for Framework for Runtime Aggregation of Modularized Entities — is a treasure trove of pre-coded functionalities. This rich set of libraries and pre-built pallets is designed to accelerate blockchain development, reducing the ‘time-to-market’ for Substrate-based projects.

Beyond these intrinsic components, Substrate’s allure is accentuated by its growing arsenal of development tools.

  • Substrate Developer Hub: Your Learning Sanctuary
    The Developer Hub isn’t merely a documentation center; it’s a comprehensive learning platform with tutorials, code examples, and much more. A critical resource for both neophytes and experts, the Hub aims to augment your blockchain development acumen.
  • Polkadot JS API: Your Gateway to Substrate
    Polkadot JS API isn’t just another API; it’s your bridge to the Substrate world. Written in JavaScript, this API provides a simplified yet powerful way to query blockchain states, initiate transactions, and subscribe to network events.
  • Ink!: The Tailor-made Smart Contract Language
    Ink! is a Rust-based domain-specific language engineered exclusively for crafting secure and efficient smart contracts in the Substrate and Polkadot ecosystems. It combines the power of Rust with blockchain-specific libraries and macros.
  • Substrate Playground: The Virtual Workshop
    The Substrate Playground is more than an interactive Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This web-based platform allows developers to write, compile, and deploy Substrate-based blockchains in real time, eliminating the need for a cumbersome local setup.

This enriched overview aims to give you a panoramic view of Substrate’s internal architecture and external tools. These pieces come together to provide a highly customizable, modular, and efficient environment for blockchain innovation.

The Ingenious Design of Pallets: Unpacking Substrate’s Modular Framework for Blockchain Innovation

One of the most groundbreaking aspects of Substrate, the open-source framework that underpins Polkadot, is its utilization of Pallets. Think of Pallets as modular software libraries, akin to “Lego bricks,” that offer predefined functionalities. They simplify the blockchain development process, transforming it from a labor-intensive code marathon into an elegant exercise in software configuration.

A Pallet is essentially a self-contained module that houses four key components:

  • Data Storage: Defines how the data related to this functionality is stored on-chain.
  • Dispatchable Calls: Equivalent to methods in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), these are the functions that external actors can call.
  • Events: These are emitted to notify external actors of successful operations.
  • Error Handling: Procedures for dealing with exceptions and errors.

The encapsulation of these components within each Pallet facilitates their reuse, modification, and integration, allowing developers to easily architect unique blockchain solutions.

  • Core Pallets: These are quintessential modules common to almost every Substrate-based blockchain. They manage core functionalities like asset management, transaction fee computation, and consensus mechanisms.
  • Domain-Specific Pallets: These are tailored for decentralized finance (DeFi), supply chain logistics, or digital identity verification.
  • Community-Contributed Pallets: These are open-source modules developed by the vibrant Substrate community, enlarging the shared arsenal of tools available for blockchain development.

Imagine yourself as the manager of a bustling airport. Each Pallet represents a distinct operational facet — baggage services, customs control, or duty-free retail outlets. You can pick and place these services according to your airport’s unique needs. Need a VIP lounge? Plug in a new pallet without causing disruptions in existing services. This flexibility showcases how Pallets enable tailored blockchain solutions with a plug-and-play approach.

When a Substrate-based blockchain chooses to integrate as a parachain — with its unique consensus and logic but interoperating within the Polkadot ecosystem — it gains unparalleled interoperability. This is made feasible through universal or mutually compatible Pallets, allowing for a seamless exchange of data and assets across a dynamic network of interconnected blockchains.

In many ways, Substrate could be dubbed the ‘Linux of the Blockchain World.’ It provides many open-source modules that can be assembled in countless configurations, creating robust and specialized blockchains. This modular approach harmonizes well with Polkadot’s grand vision: a decentralized web of diverse yet interconnected blockchains, each serving specialized use cases but able to communicate and transact freely.

Through its modular architecture, manifested through Pallets, Substrate empowers Polkadot and revolutionizes the broader landscape of blockchain development, redefining what’s possible in this ever-evolving space.

As we delve deeper into the transformative impact of Substrate and its role in Polkadot’s vision, one thing becomes strikingly clear: the future of blockchain isn’t just being written; it’s being engineered for adaptability, interoperability, and unprecedented governance.

The integration of features like Forkless Upgrades and Shared Security marks a seismic shift in how we conceive the evolutionary dynamics of decentralized networks. Yet, the innovative landscape of Substrate and Polkadot is far from fully explored. As we venture further, prepare to unwrap the layers of governance and technological innovation that make Substrate a framework and the bedrock of next-gen digital societies.

Forkless Upgrades: A Technological Feat Revolutionizing the Blockchain Evolution Paradigm

Traditional blockchain networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum often find software upgrades daunting and polarizing. Take, for example, Bitcoin’s infamous upgrade involving Segregated Witness (SegWit). The alteration led to a hard fork, resulting in the birth of Bitcoin Cash. This fork not only fragmented the blockchain’s transaction history but also created disunity within the community, diluted resources, and bifurcated development efforts. Ethereum faced a similar dichotomy with the DAO attack, leading to the split between Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC).

In these conventional systems, forks carry not just technical but also sociological and economic implications, such as:

  • Community Division: Different community segments often support conflicting upgrades, leading to animosity and fragmentation.
  • Resource Drain: Forks necessitate separate infrastructure for each chain, contributing to financial and manpower attrition.
  • Development Divergence: After a fork, both chains require independent updates, security measures, and governance models, effectively doubling the developmental load and splintering efforts.

Substrate tackles these challenges head-on through the unique architecture that enables Forkless Upgrades, setting it apart as a paradigm-shifting framework. How does it manage to do this?

  • Wasm-Based Runtime: Substrate uses WebAssembly (Wasm) for its runtime logic. This means that the network’s behavior and logic are decoupled from the underlying blockchain, making it possible to modify the runtime without requiring node operators to update their software manually.
  • On-Chain Governance: Substrate integrates a governance model within its architecture, where token holders can propose and vote on upgrades. When a proposal gains sufficient support, it is automatically enacted without requiring a hard fork.
  • State Transition Validation: Substrate leverages its specialized consensus algorithm, which validates the legitimacy of state transitions. This obviates the need for a separate chain, as all nodes agree on the validity of the upgraded state.
  • Hot-Swappable Runtimes: Substrate seamlessly swaps out the old runtime logic with the new one when an upgrade is enacted. This is done without interrupting the blockchain’s operation, maintaining continuous network availability.

By amalgamating these technological features, Substrate facilitates a smooth, democratic, and forkless upgrade mechanism. This minimizes community division, avoids resource drains, and unifies development efforts, revolutionizing our thinking about blockchain evolution.

Shared Security in Polkadot’s Interoperable Ecosystem

When you thought you’d fully unraveled the Substrate and its foundational role in the Polkadot ecosystem, another layer unfolds Shared Security.

While straightforward in its terminology, its implications are multifaceted and transformative, yet not without challenges.

The Upsides

  • Economies of Scale: Traditional blockchains operate in silos, each requiring its own set of validators or miners, thereby duplicating security efforts. Shared Security centralizes this validation power, efficiently serving multiple blockchains to improve resource allocation.
  • Simplified Onboarding: Emerging blockchain projects can direct their focus on innovation and functionality without the burden of attracting sufficient validators, thereby expediting the launch process and lowering the entry barrier.
  • Dynamic Validator Allocation: Employing a Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS) system, Polkadot dynamically assigns validators across parachains, obfuscating targeted attacks by making it unclear which validators are responsible for which blocks.
  • Interoperability and Trust: A secure network is the cornerstone for a trust-based ecosystem, indispensable for seamless cross-chain transactions. Shared Security is pivotal for realizing Polkadot’s vision of interoperability.

The Challenges

  • Single Point of Failure: By centralizing the security infrastructure, there’s a risk of creating a single point of failure. How does Polkadot mitigate this? Through decentralization and distribution of authority among multiple validators and governance mechanisms, Polkadot aims to diversify the risks, although no system can be entirely immune.
  • Governance Friction: A collective security model requires consensus for any changes or upgrades. The complexity of managing diverse stakeholders in a single governance model can slow down decision-making processes. Polkadot addresses the issue of governance friction through its on-chain governance model, which allows for transparent and inclusive decision-making. Proposals for changes or upgrades can be submitted by any token holder and are subject to a community vote.

Substrate brings unparalleled flexibility, allowing parachains to specialize their functionality while leveraging Polkadot’s robust security infrastructure. This enables vertical scalability (improving individual blockchain performance) and horizontal scalability (increasing the number of blockchains) without sacrificing security integrity. Think of each parachain as a sovereign nation; in this analogy, Shared Security functions like a United Nations peacekeeping force, ensuring adherence to common security protocols.

While the metaphor of a peacekeeping force captures the essence of Shared Security, it also highlights a challenge: ensuring each ‘nation’ adheres to collective resolutions. The requirement for consensus can sometimes be a double-edged sword, balancing individual autonomy with collective security.

In sum, Shared Security, facilitated by Substrate, is a groundbreaking concept with substantial benefits, but it comes with challenges that need vigilant governance and technological safeguards. Together, they symbolize Polkadot’s pioneering spirit aimed at fostering a decentralized, interoperable, and secure digital society while constantly evolving to mitigate potential risks.

Navigating the Governance Crossroads: Substrate’s On-Chain Revolution Versus Off-Chain Models

The seismic shift toward decentralization in the blockchain arena is not just a matter of technical ingenuity; it’s a socio-political renaissance.

Yet, despite its transformative potential, governance in traditional blockchain models often remains an overlooked facet, even though it’s instrumental for network evolution and adaptability. Substrate, engineered by Parity Technologies, bridges this gap by synergizing technical brilliance with a groundbreaking approach to governance.

Traditional blockchain governance is often opaque and unpredictable, predominantly relying on off-chain avenues like forums, social media, and even physical conferences for decision-making. While such off-chain methods might create a semblance of democratic involvement, they suffer from intrinsic limitations. Specifically, they lack transparency, are prone to centralization, and lack a framework for enforceable execution.

In stark contrast, Substrate pioneers an ‘on-chain governance’ model, fortified by specialized modules or ‘pallets’ like the Democracy and Treasury pallets. Unlike the nebulous decision-making processes in off-chain governance, Substrate’s on-chain governance is transparent and enforceable. With the Democracy pallet, any token holder can propose changes to the network, subjecting these proposals to a transparent public referendum. Substrate even introduces a nuanced element of time-locked voting, tying token holders’ influence to their long-term commitment to the ecosystem.

The Treasury pallet adds another layer of sophistication, introducing a fiscal angle to blockchain governance. It accumulates a part of transaction fees and other network revenues, and these funds are then democratically allocated based on collective voting. This ensures transparent financial decisions and empowers the network to be financially self-sustaining.

Substrate’s most compelling advantage over traditional governance models is its inherent flexibility, allowing for adaptive changes without the crippling need for hard forks. While legacy blockchains often face the threat of community-splitting hard forks due to governance disputes, Substrate’s forkless upgrades preserve technological cohesion and community consensus. Substrate’s pliable governance architecture can agilely adjust parameters like proposal approval times, voting thresholds, and time-lock durations.

However, it’s important to note that Substrate’s on-chain governance may not be the panacea for all networks. For nascent networks with fewer participants or those prioritizing speed over democratic involvement, the level of transparency and collective decision-making in Substrate could be perceived as a hindrance.

Opting for Substrate isn’t merely a technological decision.

It’s a commitment to a unique form of governance. It invites participants into a new realm of digital societies that are transparent, equitable, and adaptive. By serving as the foundation for the broader Polkadot ecosystem, Substrate offers a technological framework and a visionary blueprint for what democratic digital societies could look like in a decentralized world.

Dynamic Capabilities of Substrate: A Roadmap for Decentralized Innovation

Upon a comprehensive exploration of Substrate and its symbiotic relationship with the Polkadot ecosystem, it becomes evident that Substrate is far from a mere blockchain framework. It’s a dynamic, modular, and scalable bedrock for creating an ever-evolving fabric of interconnected blockchain networks. Substrate stands out by offering many development tools to simplify blockchain creation. From the Substrate Developer Hub to the Polkadot JS API, rookies and veteran developers can find resources tailored to ease their development journey. The framework introduces the concept of ‘Pallets,’ modular components that expedite blockchain feature development by offering plug-and-play capabilities. This drastically reduces reinvention, allowing developers to focus on delivering unique, value-added functionalities.

Due to contentious hard forks, traditional blockchain networks often need help with logistical hurdles during updates. Substrate obliterates these barriers by supporting forkless upgrades — a quantum leap in blockchain evolution methodology. This framework allows seamless transitions, laying the groundwork for perpetual innovation without fragmenting the community. Substrate adds another layer of ingenuity in blockchain interoperability through its Shared Security model. Here, individual blockchains, called ‘parachains,’ draw security from Polkadot’s overarching infrastructure and contribute back to it. This mutual assurance creates a resilient, self-sustaining security network.

As discussed previously, the substrate’s advanced governance mechanisms make it an archetype for how decentralized networks should be operated. With features like adaptive, transparent, and inclusive on-chain governance, Substrate forms the backbone of Polkadot’s vision for a decentralized, interoperable web of blockchains. In the same way that Polkadot envisions a network where unique blockchains can coexist and interact, Substrate provides the structural integrity to bring this dream to fruition. Substrate isn’t merely creating blockchains; it’s architecting the future of decentralized digital landscapes.

Future and Real-world Implications of Substrate within Polkadot

As we draw the curtains on our deep dive into Substrate, it’s worth stepping back and contemplating its future trajectory and real-world applications. Substrate doesn’t exist in a vacuum; it’s part of an intricate web of technologies, platforms, and use cases that have far-reaching consequences for the evolution of the digital world.

Substrate isn’t just fueling theoretical advances in Decentralized Finance (DeFi); it’s already driving tangible innovations reshaping the financial ecosystem. One of the pivotal features that Substrate brings to the table is its seamless compatibility with Polkadot’s Cross-Chain Message Passing (XCM) framework.

This feature is not a futuristic proposition but an existing functionality capitalized upon by projects like HydraDX through their Omnipool.

The Omnipool exemplifies the power of Substrate and Polkadot’s XCM in facilitating seamless, cross-chain transactions. It allows a diverse range of assets to be traded in a single liquidity pool, thereby reducing slippage and enhancing user experience. This high degree of interoperability and frictionless liquidity directly result from Substrate’s seamless integration into the Polkadot architecture.

Similarly, Bifrost advances the ecosystem by offering liquidity solutions for staked assets, allowing users to unlock the economic potential of their staked tokens without compromising on security or network participation.

As more projects choose to build on Substrate, we can expect exponential growth in cross-chain DeFi functionalities. These will likely extend beyond simple asset exchanges to cover various financial instruments and services, such as lending platforms, decentralized insurance protocols, derivative markets, and novel governance models.

The urgency for robust, scalable, and secure networks has reached a tipping point, particularly as the Internet of Things (IoT) sector continues to expand at an unprecedented rate. Substrate emerges as a persuasive solution for IoT companies contemplating a shift to decentralized frameworks. Its architecture, designed for simple customization and forkless upgrades, could play a vital role in knitting smart cities, intricate supply chains, and the next generation of wearables into a cohesive, secure, and interoperable digital fabric.

While these are promising avenues for the future, it’s worth noting that projects like Robonimics already leverage Substrate’s capabilities. Robonomics aims to integrate IoT devices with smart contracts, and its choice of Substrate as a building platform serves as a testament to Substrate’s potential in facilitating real-world, decentralized solutions for the IoT landscape.

The COVID-19 pandemic has spotlighted the vulnerabilities and inefficiencies inherent in traditional supply chain systems. The demand for transparent, efficient, and secure solutions has grown exponentially. In this transformative era, Substrate’s architecture — known for its scalability and robust security measures — emerges as an ideal framework for reimagining supply chain solutions. It offers unparalleled advantages in leveraging blockchain technology to enhance traceability and accountability across the supply chain’s multiple nodes.

However, this is not merely a theoretical discourse.

Projects like Origin Trail already apply Substrate’s capabilities to tackle these challenges. Origin Trail utilizes blockchain to ensure transparent traceability and has opted for Substrate as its underlying framework, recognizing its potential for easy customization and high scalability. This validates Substrate’s technical competencies and is a real-world example of how its features can be harnessed for complex, industry-specific applications. Substrate-based solutions like Origin Trail are setting new standards by embedding transparency, security, and efficiency into the core of supply chain operations. These projects exemplify the transformative power of blockchain when combined with the advanced capabilities of Substrate, positioning them as frontrunners in the race to modernize supply chains in a post-pandemic world.

The Significance of Cumulus and Substrate in a Unified Polkadot SDK

If you’re following Polkadot closely, you can’t afford to miss the game-changing technology known as Cumulus. Essentially, Cumulus is a toolkit that makes it incredibly simple for developers to create and deploy parachains — individual blockchains that run parallel to Polkadot’s Relay Chain.

What sets Cumulus apart?

  • Scalability: Traditional blockchains face a ‘trilemma,’ struggling to balance scalability, security, and decentralization. Cumulus sidesteps this issue by allowing Polkadot to scale horizontally. This means that instead of making one chain faster, we can have multiple chains that operate in parallel, vastly increasing the network’s throughput.
  • Plug-and-Play Architecture: With Cumulus, your parachain instantly benefits from Polkadot’s well-established network. Shared security and seamless interoperability are not features you need to build; they’re services you inherit.
  • Economic Innovation: Cumulus parachains operate under a shared resource model, eliminating the need to bootstrap security measures from scratch. This introduces a whole new economic landscape for emerging blockchains.

Please don’t underestimate the power of Cumulus; it could very well be the linchpin that makes Polkadot’s vision of a multi-chain universe a reality.

As Polkadot continues to evolve, so do the tools that fuel its ecosystem. In a significant move toward standardization and ease of use, all Polkadot repositories have been merged into a single Polkadot Software Development Kit (SDK).

Why is this big news?

  • A One-Stop-Shop for Developers: Gone are the days of juggling multiple repositories. With a unified SDK, new and seasoned developers have a single entry point, making it easier than ever to build on Polkadot.
  • Future-Proofing the Ecosystem: A consolidated SDK allows for streamlined updates and new features. This improves the developer experience and ensures that Polkadot remains at the cutting edge of blockchain technology.
  • Governance Reconsidered: While centralizing tools into a single SDK can speed development, it raises important questions. How will governance work in an ecosystem where the foundational software is so unified? This topic deserves its spotlight, as it speaks to the ongoing evolution of blockchain governance models.

While we’ve been primarily discussing Substrate in the context of blockchain and Polkadot, it’s important to note that its broader impact could transcend these boundaries. With its focus on ease of development, scalability, and governance, Substrate has the potential to attract mainstream industries into adopting blockchain technologies, thus amplifying the reach and impact of decentralized networks.

The interplay between Substrate and Polkadot serves as a case study in innovation, showcasing how sound architecture and visionary governance can galvanize an entire ecosystem. As always, the onus is not just on developers or investors but on every stakeholder in this decentralized future. As you contemplate how to engage with this transformative technology, remember: the future isn’t just something that happens; it’s something we make. Whether you are an aspiring developer, a curious investor, or a blockchain aficionado, the Substrate ecosystem is brimming with opportunities just waiting to be seized. Developers can dive into the Substrate Developer Hub, where many documentation and tutorials await.

The Journey Does Not Stop

As we wrap up this exhaustive look into Substrate, the journey is far from over. In the next release of our EduSeries, we’ll dive deep into the Relay Chain, the heart of the Polkadot ecosystem, and a vital piece of the puzzle for understanding how everything fits together.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve planned detailed coverage of various aspects of the Polkadot landscape:

  • Polkadot Governance: Where the community comes together to shape the future.
  • Interoperability with XCM: Breaking down barriers between blockchains.
  • Parachains: Understand the essence of specialized blockchains connected to Polkadot.
  • Runtime Upgrades, Validators, Nominators, and Staking: The democratic aspects of Polkadot’s functioning.
  • Concepts like Blockspace-over-Blockchains, Execution Cores, and Agile Core Time: Advanced ideas that help Polkadot stand out.
  • Incoming Milestone Upgrades: Delving into the nitty-gritty of Asynchronous Backing and more.

We’re just starting, and every new installment will be another chapter in our journey through the Polkadot ecosystem. With so much more to explore, you won’t want to miss what’s coming next. Don’t forget to follow our Medium and Twitter profiles, Polkadot Philosophy, for timely updates.

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Your active participation enriches the community and drives forward the blockchain revolution that Polkadot and Substrate are heralding. We are all part of this transformative journey, and your engagement will make it all the more impactful. Until our next educational escapade, keep exploring, questioning, and philosophizing about the decentralized future we are collectively building. See you in the next EduSeries!

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Jimmy Tudeski

Polkadot Ambassador, Founder of Polkadot Philosophy. Polkadot & Kusama Validator